The Community Companion Program offers group and individualized support for adults with diverse abilities in Kamloops to make connections with their community through:
- Social opportunities
- Peer matches and peer support
- Connection to community resources
- Advocacy support
- Personal goal planning
- Life skills and self-management training
- Social skills training
- Stress management skills training
Our goals are to empower individuals with diverse abilities to:
- Make and expand friendships and social relationships
- Actively participate in the community
- Increase self-confidence and sense of belonging
- Set and reach goals related to community inclusion
- Reduce isolation by joining new groups and try new community activities
- Find activities and occupation based on strengths and interests
- Connect with others based on common interests
- Learn new skills to promote independence
- Gain experience in community participation
- Increase self-advocacy skills
- Build connections and natural supports in the community
- Become a resource for others in increasing social inclusion

If you are a CLBC funded individual living in Kamloops and are interested in joining the Community Companion Program, please speak to your CLBC Facilitator about a possible referral.
Sorry, we cannot take self-referrals to the Program.
We promote social opportunities and community connections founded on respect, shared responsibility, and mutual enjoyment.